Our team works to ensure that while you are travelling you only need worry about enjoying yourself. We take care of ensuring that all your setbacks are perfectly covered and resolved in the shortest possible time.
Travel Insurance policies make it possible to cover the risks inherent to travelling through the provision of assistance services offered by the Insurance Company.
There are a wide range of risks inherent to travelling. These range from legal problems and health and medical care in situ, to health problems of family members in your home country and loss of documentation. The list of risks is extensive, and all in an unfamiliar setting.
Cover can be taken out individually, per family or collectively.
It can be taken out as a private individual or as a company.
Thus, in the corporate range, and this being less well-known, we have the following options:
> For Company directors and their families, for work and leisure.
> For Company executives and middle management.
> For Companies, institutions and NGOs whose employees, interns or volunteers need to travel.
> For employees of small and medium-sized enterprises who frequently travel all over the world.
Annual insurance policy for large Companies and Corporations who send a high number of employees on business trips all over the world.
For Companies that organise congresses, conventions, fairs, symposia, etc., for all attendees.
For Universities and Teaching Centres, to cover the travelling of students, both incoming and outgoing, in study programmes: Scholarships, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, exchanges, etc.
Health Care | Travel Insurance